Math Olympiad Presents ‘Math Madness’

Staff Writer

On March 26, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the newly established Math Olympiad club will be presenting its first annual district-wide math competition called Math Madness. With a projected number of 300 participants from Alhambra, Mark Keppel and San Gabriel High School, according to Math Olympiad president Kylileo Zhong, the tournament will allow the community to recognize talented individuals and encourage them to pursue higher education in the fields of math and science. The tests are split up into three divisions—integrated, advanced and calculus—with the hopes of providing fair competition to students of any math background.

The three divisions will have the same test format and competitors will enter the preliminary round with one free response and one multiple choice test. Then, the top six teams from each school will advance to the next round. Two teams with three members will form and the six teams compete against each other regardless of their schools. In the end, a sweepstakes trophy will be presented to the school with the highest score.

One of the club’s main goal is to encourage diversity in the event and to ensure that students from all math levels, genders and racial backgrounds will be fully represented. The rigor of the competition will guarantee that any award given out will truly demonstrate the student’s ability to perform beyond the classroom. Despite the challenge, Math Madness will be an event in which students will be able to have fun exchanging ideas and learning from one another.

“On the day of the event, there will be side activities related to math to help competitors take a break from the testing and simply enjoy themselves,” Math Olympiad Vice President Cindy Luo said.

Math Olympiad works to get the attention and involvement of our students and develop a healthy competitive environment among schools in the district.
“My vision is for the event to gain its title in the region and attract schools from various districts to come and fight for [the] championship and therefore, [spread] my spirit and love for math,” Math Olympiad President, Kylileo Zhong said.