Stop Blaming Teachers, Start Changing

Issue 20 Top Editorial


Staff Writer

Teachers are with students every step of the way on their path toward education. Without teachers, students would not be able to obtain the knowledge they need to be successful in the future. Despite the fact that teachers are important factors in the lives of students, they are often taken for granted. Students need to be more appreciative of teachers and realize how much their guidance actually supports students.

Students are constantly offered support from teachers but most are too oblivious to see this. For example, teachers often attempt to encourage and motivate students by asking them to participate in class. Although students may overlook this action and see it as teachers “forcing” them into participating, we need to remember that teachers are not singling out students to criticize for incorrect answers. They are simply encouraging students to participate confidently regardless of whether or not their answer is correct. By doing this, students can learn from possible mistakes and obtain confidence to speak up and share. Furthermore, a majority of teachers also offer additional support by having afterschool tutoring to help those who want further assistance. Although teachers are not required to provide afterschool tutoring, they offer it to help students who are in need. Afterchool tutoring shows that teachers are dedicated to giving students options to succeed, something we as students must appreciate and take advantage of.

Despite the fact that teachers are constantly providing support for students, they are often accused of assigning too much homework. Students are mistaking these actions and seeing them as ways to overwork them. However, students should understand that teachers assign homework to help students practice and familiarize themselves with concepts. Even when the workload seems unreasonable, it is always possible to balance out one’s homework with proper time management. Instead of making accusations, students should understand that their education is theirs. Teachers are providing students with all the tools necessary to be successful but it is solely up to us as students to take advantage of them. It is time for students to stop with the accusations and unappreciative attitudes. Students need to start appreciating the efforts of teachers by thanking them or at least acknowledging how they are helping us.

Ultimately, teachers play an active role in the lives of students. Teachers support students on a daily basis and work towards being proud educators. It is preposterous that teachers are blamed or disrespected by students when they are the ones that are trying to help students. Students need to stop pointing their fingers at teachers and start examining themselves.