Pope Francis Proves Pope-ular in the United States



Staff Writer

Regardless of one’s religion, the pope is perhaps one of the most world-renowned religious figures of the modern age. Accordingly, it is no surprise that papal visits to the United States have been well-received by the general public. Even more so, the most recent visit by Pope Francis has been monumental in restoring a sense of unity to the American people and to the world. By speaking on significant issues that global governments must work to solve, Pope Francis proved that he is the most liberal and progressive pope, ultimately acting as an inspiration for millions of citizens.

Previous papal visits to the United States have sent powerful messages throughout the country. For example, during the visit of Pope Paul VI in 1965, the American people were reminded to value widespread peace in a time full of war and global conflict. In a similar fashion, Pope Francis touched the hearts of Americans in his address to Congress on Sept. 24. However, in that speech, Pope Francis truly differentiated himself from his predecessors by speaking upon global issues such as poverty and world hunger. His words urged listeners to show compassion and love towards those in times of suffering. Furthermore, Pope Francis addressed more controversial topics, discussing the dangers of the death penalty, arms trade and religious extremism. But perhaps most surprising was the pope’s direct address to a divided Congress. In light of the recent conflict in Syria, Pope Francis called for both parties of Congress to accept immigrants from all countries with open arms. He emphasized that, like U.S. citizens, immigrants possess ambitions, dignity, and the motivation to work hard. Resultantly, the pope established the idea that cultural diversity is the key to the growth of the nation.

Given the state of religious turmoil throughout the globe, Pope Francis’ visit reminds us of the positives of religion. While many believe that religion calls solely for worship, prayer and devotion, Pope Francis showed that, above all, it values morality and empathy. Ultimately, the compassion that we show toward others will be the driving force toward a unified global population.