California’s Flaws… Governor Brown, Sign these laws!



Staff Writer

In the last three weeks, the California Legislature sent 941 bills to Governor Jerry Brown, all of which are making their way to be signed. Most of the laws would be beneficial and should be signed by Brown. Laws regarding drugs,voting on licences and drone use need to be signed by the governor because they would help California become a better state.

A good bill to sign for is the Motor Voter Law. Once a legal U.S. citizen receives or renews their California license, they are automatically registered to vote. If this bill were signed by the Governor, it would dramatically increase ever-sinking voter turnout rates.

A bill to regulate medical marijuana is another bill that shold be signed by the Governor. This bill would create an office dedicated to regulating medical marijuana. This office would establish rules for the marjiuana industry and have the ability to issue licenses to people to legally grow, transport and sell cannabis. The bill would benefit California because it will provide a better system to safely regulate medical marijuana and distribute to sick patients. Governor Brown should be involved in this legislation and ultimately authorize state agencies to create the smartest and most functional system for regulating marijuana.

Another bill that needs to be signed is one that restricts drones from getting in the way of public services and citizens. Drones are a tool for the military to spy on their enemies without casualties, but now anyone in the state can just go into an electronics store and buy drones without signing any paperwork. Personal drones are now causing multiple issues such as accidentally interfering with public services, helping smugglers move drugs, and causing near missings with airplanes. While drones are expanding in market, it is up to Governor Brown to take action. The bill should be signed to prevent drone users from interfering with public services.

Out of the 941 bills that are sent to the Governor, it is important for the Governor to sign these three bills because they would provide a better and safer environment for the people of California.