Quotes from Homecoming Court

Quotes compiled by JASON ZHU

“When I first entered high school, I never expected that I would have had the chance to be in the running for Homecoming Queen. I remember watching homecoming assemblies and imagining how fun it would be to be up there, but feeling that I would never be able to win.” -Tina Le, Senior Princess

“There are a lot of awesome people who were nominated who could have easily won, but the fact that I won was a pleasant surprise […] When I found out I was nominated I was excited to be nominated with the other four guys and it made me get a little more excited for homecoming.” -Julio Garcia, Senior Prince

“I felt surprised an honored to be nominated and win Homecoming princess for my class of 2017. I’m actually really nervous but also excited to be presented as princess.” -Ngocmai Thai-Le, Junior Princess

“It’s pretty nice to know that people actually voted for me. I’m still in shock that I was the top candidate for sophomore prince.” -Derick Quach, Sophomore Prince

“Back in middle school, I kind of hoped to become homecoming princess because it was one of the things on my bucket list for high school experiences.” -Aminta Chang, Sophomore Princess

“As a freshman, I did not think I was going to even be nominated. I do not even know how Homecoming works. I’ve only heard about the hype of homecoming. So as a freshman, I hope to have fun and take this life time opportunity to create high school memories.” -Kevin Wong, Freshman Prince