Student Legislature Makes Comeback in Spring

Editor in Chief
At AHS, students have ample leadership opportunities, not just within clubs but directly in student government. In addition to the 15 elected and nine cabinet positions on Executive, students have been able to participate through Legislature.
Though this year’s legislative branch initially ceased to exist due to lack of an adviser, it will soon begin to assemble again.
In the past, Legislature has been advised by Activities Director and Executive adviser Candace Collins. This year, English teacher Lori Naylor will replace Collins as Legislature adviser and supervise the meetings.
“The main reason [we couldn’t start Legislature] was that Mrs. Collins had different demands this year, so we had to find a new adviser,” said Vice Principal of Business and Activities Jeremy Infranca. “I’m especially excited for it to gain momentum and spread to other kids to get more involved in school activities.”
Legislature is made up of one student representative from each third period class to discuss important school issues, offer suggestions on how to benefit the student body, act as a liaison between the class and student government. Their work in the meetings essentially serve as a form of checks and balances for Executive.
Led by Executive’s Speaker of Legislature Cedric Nguyen, these meetings will be held once a month in the Little Theater.
“I’m glad that it’s going to be formed again because I think it’s vital for a wider scope of students to be represented and voice their opinions on school matters,” said Nguyen. “Hopefully we can assemble as soon as possible and start holding the meetings when all the details are worked out and all the class representatives are chosen.”
Nguyen hopes to have Legislature up and running by the beginning of March.