Pride Alliance Continues Outreach to Student Body

News Editor
Since its inception, Pride Alliance (PA) has stood for students with differing sexual orientations. They seek to promote the acceptance of the gay community at AHS.
This premise has been a guiding force behind the club’s activities such as National Coming Out Week, which was held Oct. 11-17.
PA is associated with the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSAN), an organization founded to prevent homophobia in schools across the nation.
Members have also taken part in the seventeenth annual youth convention “Models of Pride” held by GSAN at Occidental College. A candlelight vigil was held for gay and lesbian students who have committed suicide because of teasing and bullying regarding their sexual orientation.
Pride Alliance recently organized a Valentine’s Day event dubbed “Ring Pop Weddings” to promote marriage equality and to provide students with an outlet to discuss the topic. However, the administration decided that they could not openly support such a controversial issue.
“They said that while they supported the club itself, [they] could not support the event,” said PA adviser and English teacher Dorothy Burkhart.
Despite the cancellation, PA acknowledges the reasoning behind the decision.
“I take the administration at their word,” said Burkhart. “[Vice Principal] Infranca came to a recent meeting and answered all the questions we had. I appreciate his willingness to talk with us.”
PA plans to continue their outreach to the student body by selling 10 dollar T-shirts in March.
“We want to promote awareness of Pride Alliance through this sale,” said President Vincent Luong.