Chinese Students Experience AHS Culture

Editor in Chief
On Feb. 10, visiting Chinese students followed ASB members on a tour of AHS’ campus.
Students from Nankai High School spent half a day at AHS as a part of their trip to the United States. Arriving from Tianjin, China, these 84 students experienced some of the features an American secondary school has to offer. Nankai High School is a private school for students from ninth through twelfth grade.
The students visited a variety of classes during first and second period. Following Executive members to their respective classes, they were able to experience courses such as Photography, American Literature, Biology and much more.
“Executive members [were able to] each take a group of students around to their first and second periods,” said Student Relations Chair Claire Chang. “We thought that this was a good way to show how our educational system and high school atmosphere differs from [theirs] in China.”
After second period, the students spent third period with Executive, during their leadership period. Executive and the visiting students formed teams and had a contest to see which teams could build the tallest structure out of newspaper.
All-Male and Drill Team members performed short routines for the students to enjoy as well. As they were preparing to leave, the Nankai students said their good-byes and took pictures with administrators and ASB members.
“The United States is very open and free; the people are very friendly and nice,” said Li Ji Yuan, an eleventh grade student from Nankai High School. “It’s different because there are a lot more people in the classes in China. But other than that, there are not many big differences.”
Similar to the American high school system, high school students in China begin the school day at 8 a.m. but their school day does not end until 5 p.m. The students attend classes in the morning, have a lunch break and have class again in the afternoon. They are only given one hour of free time, and devote the rest of the time to studying.