VSA Chapters Hosts Culture Night

How would you feel about going camping for a week in the summer and learning about Vietnamese culture?
The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) does this yearly, along with many other activities, to bond with members from other schools.
“Spreading the Vietnamese culture to the community is the main goal of VSA,” said senior president Nancy Nguyen.
Other than camping, the members also dance or sing to Vietnamese songs or they play cultural games. Their regular meeting days are Thursdays after school in C-324. AHS’ VSA is also involved with the chapters of Cal State Fullerton, UC Irvine and Cal State Long Beach.
Culture Night, scheduled for May 17 in the auditorium, is organized once every year between the members from Alhambra High and Cal State Los Angeles. During the event, there will be VSA members performing skits based on Vietnamese legends and myths.
Grace Chow, Staff Writer