Classes Displaced by Ventilation Construction

News Editor
Recent renovations to the D-building and C-building to replace the heating and air conditioning system has caused teachers to relocate their classes to the previously empty bungalows.
Beginning Jan. 10 and scheduled to last until late February, these renovations will be conducted on all three floors of D-building and C-building.
The improvements being done on the air conditioning come in the wake of a heat wave that occurred during the second week of school. With temperatures reaching 107 degrees, both students and administration realized that the entire cooling systems in classrooms were not functioning. These planned renovations include the replacement of ducts and entire air conditioning units over the summer.
Construction started on the first floor and gradually ascended through the three layers of D-building. Each floor was relocated to the bungalows next to the softball field while the renovations were being completed. C-building construction was start on Feb. 1 and is scheduled to be completed in mid-February. AHS bungalows are scheduled to be removed from campus by late February.
Some students feel that the inconvenience of the renovations could have been alleviated if there had been more time to make the transition.
“It could have been better,” said senior Fukumitsu Sasaki. “If anything, the teachers needed to accommodate for the class more than we do. Some could not access [the] files that were left on their computers.”