French Club Sets Sights on Paris

The French Club was founded in 1922. While preserving one of the oldest clubs in AHS, the French Club continues to thrive and explore many of the aspects of the French culture.
The members study the customs by watching movies, sampling French food and learning the language during their meetings held once a week, every Wednesday during lunch in room A-35.
“Having meetings during lunch would not conflict with other club meetings and it is a more convenient time for members to meet,” said adviser Nik Eaks.
“The number one goal we have this year is to go to Paris,” said vice president Victoria Ramos.
The French Club plans to have a trip to Paris at the end of the year. Visiting Paris would enable the members to experience the French customs and food in person. They have met their fundraising targets up to this point and are anticipating their voyage.
Grace Chow, Staff Writer