Technology: Mankind’s Best Friend and Helper



In recent years, technology has taken great strides in assisting in everyday tasks, such as home activities, cooking, being healthy and even student life. The everyday citizen is able to enjoy most of these benefits at places that would not have been suspected, such as businesses or in schools. Although technology has advances, there are still a few things that it has not been able to improve in an educational environment, like attendance. Until recently, absences in schools have not been affected greatly by technology. An organization called “No Isolation” has created technology that can assist students in school and help to create a non exclusive environment for those who cannot be in school regularly or for those who find it hard to communicate and learn in an ordinary teaching environment. Students who would have been bullied or treated differently could now be treated as equal and feel a new sense of ease and normality in school.“No Isolation” has created a new type of robot that can work in the classroom in order to act as the student who is using this high tech device. With this invention, students have access to seeing and hearing what is going on in the classroom with live footage and audio even when they cannot attend school in person. The robot will allow absent students to be able to talk to their fellow students in class. The little robot connects sick and disabled children who would not otherwise be able to participate in a classroom setting. The technology allows them to feel connected and involved in a community of children their age. This will allow these children to have less social anxiety or other social interaction problems in the future. This type of technology, although fairly new, should be implemented in schools all across the United States, as well as the world. By helping students, schools would reap the benefits as well. With this new technology, these students have the ability to raise their grades and test scores, therefore raising school’s average GPAs and graduation rates. This new technology may have some drawbacks, however. Due to the complexity of these machines, they are very costly. Not only would schools have difficulty affording them, but if the public tried to acquire them by themselves, they would most likely be charged even more than schools. In addition, schools would have to take into account all repairs that would be needed if the robots were to malfunction or become damaged. Despite all the downsides, they would still be just as beneficial to the students.