Don’t Stop For Tolls



StMany students are, or will soon be, drivers. What most new drivers do not know is the struggle of dealing with toll lanes. When drivers end up encountering an open toll lane, even by accident, they have to pay to get through. There should not be a need to have toll lanes; they are an unnecessary waste of time and money. Toll lanes slow down drivers and may even cause them to go through alternate routes to avoid paying the fees. Recently, the prices on toll lanes have been increasing due to a need for infrastructure funds. According to National Public Radio, most states’ budgets are dwindling. Since the states are struggling to pay off city taxes, they have turned to toll lanes. Toll lanes may have less traffic, but when the prices are raised too high, it repels drivers away. This does not help anyone. Instead of raising toll lane prices, the government should raise the prices of gas and bus fares. What makes these necessities the most convenient is the fact that people mostly do not have many options regarding these things. If the prices of train and bus fares are raised, people will only have the option to walk or drive.