Appreciate the Little Things



Appreciate the Little Things Since my freshman year, I felt like I had to rise above the stereotype of “lazy” and “unmotivated” Hispanic kid. I committed myself to multitudes of clubs and AP classes in hopes of achieving more for myself. In retrospect, this only caused me to become stressed, unhappy and doubtful whether my accomplishments. Throughout this process I lost sight of the people that matter most to me. I neglected to spend time with my family and opted to go to a service, attend a tournament or stay late working on the school newspaper. In a chaotic world of extracurriculars and academics, it is the little things that count the most. A compliment on my Instagram feed, a phone call asking why I missed class or a baked good wrapped in saran wrap because I was too busy to eat breakfast are the things that mean the most. Senior year it is imperative to seize the moment and realize things are not as serious as they may seem. Amber, thanks for the little things. Homecoming?