Sadder Meals in San Francisco

If you’re planning to go to San Francisco, don’t count on getting a Happy Meal.
In December, San Francisco took a step with the banning of McDonald’s famous Happy Meal. The new ordinance states that a toy cannot be provided with a meal that does not meet a certain standard of health. It also requires that fruits and vegetables be served alongside as well.
The ordinance, which took effect last December, requires that any kid’s meal that comes with a toy must be under 600 calories.
      The ban was previously enacted in Santa Clara County, and although it was passed in San Francisco, it was opposed by Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco.
Despite this, the law passed by eight votes, one more than needed to override a veto. McDonald’s spokeswoman Danya Proud expressed the franchise’s discontent following the vote. Although McDonald’s is not satisfied with the decision, many supporters have voiced their gratification that something is being done to prevent childhood obesity in America.
“It might cause a domino effect and start in other places,” said senior David Montano.
Francesca Sotelo, Staff Writer