Accept That Reject!

Jennifer Fan
Staff Writer

You have spent your whole high school career for this moment. Anxiously, you open the faithful letter, or email, hoping to see “Congratulations” in the first sentence, but instead, there is a hurtful “Thank you for considering…” It is hard to recover from rejection, especially if it is from your dream school. However, remember that an acceptance or rejection from a university does not define the person you are and what you have accomplished.

You may want to beat yourself up and say that you should have taken more AP classes, studied more for the SAT or have done more service hours. But if you have done your best these past few years, saying “should have”is nothing more than pouring salt on your wounds.

You have to own that rejection! Yes, you may have gotten rejected from this college, but what about the other colleges that have accepted you? Besides, a rejection does not mean that you were not qualified. Remember that many who are qualified do not get admitted simply because there is not enough room, especially for well-known and prestigious universities where many applicants have similar grades and test scores.

There will be something for you at whatever college you attend. It may not be your “dream school” but it will still give you memories of a lifetime and a chance to meet amazing people, on top of an amazing college education of course. A rejection is not a loss and you are worth more than it. If it still hurts, Senior Council is offering a pint of ice cream if you bring them your rejection letter. So own that rejection!