Join the Fight Today

Staff Writer

1. Join fundraising events, such as walks, runs-or events to raise awareness and money for cancer.

2. Create flyers, posters or cards to distribute or display to inform
others about the battle against cancer.
3. Provide insight by researching the different types of cancers to educate
others about it.

4. Wear accessories such as bracelets, t-shirts or ribbons. For example, you can wear pink wristbands to support breast cancer awareness or a lavender necklace which represents all cancers.

5. Use social media to your advantage; share and post updates on current events
related to the fight against cancer.

6. Vibrant banners are sure to capture the attention of others; suggest displaying
banners at school during spirit week, rallies, or other activities.

7. Have fundraisers such as bake sales or sports matches to raise money to donate to cancer research institutes.

8. If you are unable to donate money, you can still contribute by donating used
electronics or cars to cancer research institutes.

9. Head shaving is now a popular trend to donate hair to cancer patients while
raising awareness at the same time.

10. Get involved by volunteering at an American Cancer Society
program or event. Popular events include Go Gold for October and the 6th Annual Stop Cancer 5/10k Run/Walk.