A Little Can ‘Search’ Up

Jason Zhu
Staff Writer

Although it is one of the world’s current leading causes of death, many of us might not realize just how devastating cancer is and what damage some of the specific types of cancer can have.

As one of the most common types of cancer in children and teens, leukemia accounts for almost 1 out of 3 cancers. It is a cancer that starts in blood-forming cells found in bone marrow, specifically the white blood cells. According to the Baptist Health Foundation of South Florida, leukemia affects the body by disrupting the normal balance of cells in the blood. This may cause the cells to lose their primary abilities, such play a part in the formation of body tissues or transporting oxygen and nutrients to lungs and muscles.

Another deadly cancer that raises attention is ovarian cancer. As the name suggests, it is a type of cancer that begins inside the ovaries, the female organs for producing eggs. Epithelial ovarian cancer, which accounts for a majority of all ovarian cancers, is usually considered the most harmful type of cancer among its counterparts. The cancer arises due to DNA mutations within cells. A patient of EOC usually can feel bloating, swelling and abnormal lumps around the abdomen. If not treated in time, the bloating may lead to fluid buildup inside the body until the fluid starts to affect other body parts. According to the American Cancer Society, it can often affect breathing when it reaches the lungs.

In order to battle the cancer, patients often have to go through costly surgeries and painful chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Often times, many side effects are created by both the cancer and corresponding treatments. The cancer and the treatments affect a patient cognitively, psychologically and physically. According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, chemotherapy itself may leave a patient with heart conditions, lung damage and infertility, among other symptoms.

No matter how deadly cancer may be, we can prevent or lower the chance of getting one by eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight as well as being physically active. Therefore, while we are still healthy individuals, we should appreciate our well-beings.