Students Explore Options at College Fair

Staff Writer
When asked, most students cannot answer the question, “Where are you planning to go after high school?”
On Thursday, Oct. 14, students had the chance to solve this mystery at the College Fair.
Held at San Gabriel High School (SGHS), the College Fair successfully attracted students from high schools all over the district to look at potential colleges. The two gyms were crowded with many hopeful students and parents alike.
“I came to the College Fair to find out about [the colleges] and decide what path I want to take,” said senior Chrissy Thomas.
Lia Lam, the Alhambra Beauty College representative, said the Fair gave students an opportunity to look at different schools to see which fit appropriately to a student’s needs. She suggested asking parents and family for advice when deciding on a college.
The United States Army booth was displayed to provide a variety of options after a high school career, according to Sergeant Patrick A. Stewart. He said that it was his job to make sure students are aware of the educational side of the Army, which is oftentimes neglected.
“Weigh out the options; get information for what can better [you] in the long run,” said Sgt. Stewart.
Kelsey Collier from Azusa Pacific University said the Fair was an excellent chance for students to talk with representatives of the schools to receive information and get answers to questions they might have about the admissions process.
“[College Fair] gives them interaction you can’t get on paper,” said Collier.
Students also shared Collier’s opinion and said they came to the fair to become more familiar with the staff and the college campuses.
“If I talk to the counselors personally, I’ll get a feel for what the campuses are [like],” said senior Ramona Stadler.