Senior Athletes Spotlight

Francine Macias

1. What sparked your interest in softball?

Growing up, I watched my older sisters play. I wanted to be just like them and follow in their footsteps.

2. What is one of your best memories on the team?

My best memory was when we made California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) on a wildcard. We were so happy that we won our first round for CIF and that’s never happened in softball.

3. What are some of the greatest lessons you have learned?

Some of the lessons I’ve learned are to never give up and to play with pride. I’ve learned to have faith in my teammates, knowing that they have my back.

4. How has playing softball affected your life?

Softball has affected my life because I love the sport. I am going to continue to play when I’m in college and hope to become a coach as a career.
Staff Writer

Anhayte Guajardo IMG_1241

1. How has track impacted your life?

Track and running in general has really made me a stronger person and it has opened my eyes to how important a team is. Running has now become part of my daily routine and a way to release stress after school.

2. Who or what inspired you to be where you are at right now?

I would have to say my mom really inspired me to be where I’m at. She ran track in high school and she really showed us how to be strong. She continues to encourage me to run my best each race and run hard each practice.

3. How has track prepared you for the real world?

Track has prepared me to speak up for myself and it has taught me valuable leadership skills. It has also taught me how to manage my time around other people’s schedules as well as how to push myself in order to succeed in whatever I am doing.
Staff Writer

Jonathan Ngo IMG_1153

1. What is your fondest memory from the tennis team?

My fondest memory probably has to be our first win in my junior season. After the abysmal season sophomore year, that first win took a lot of [pressure] off of the team’s shoulders. Plus, we really bonded on that victory as a team.

2. Is there a specific person to whom you attribute your high school success?

Shout out to Mr. Tong! Of course, there are a lot of people who also helped me out, but if I were to name the person who has provided the most guidance and insight to my high school life, it would definitely have to be him.

3. What is your fondest memory from senior year?

There isn’t really a single definitive favorite. Senior year has been a great year! I’ve gotten the opportunity to spend more time with my friends, which is a big reason why I am as happy as I am. I just think that 10, 20 or 30 years from now, I’ll look back on my senior year as one that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Sports Editor

Wesley Tsai IMG_1152

1. What advice do you have for your team?

Life is like a moving walkway going in the opposite direction you want to go. If you just go through the motions, you’ll stay at the same place. If you stay still, you’ll regress and go backwards. But if you hustle, then you will be able to move forward. Hard work beats talent any day.

2. What is your favorite aspect of the volleyball team?

My favorite aspect is definitely playing in the gym. Although playing the sport I love is already enough, the atmosphere the students and the faculty give off during our games really gets me hyped to play volleyball. The feeling of the gym shaking because of an amazing play is what I truly admire.

3. How has playing volleyball impacted your life?

Being a typical high school student, stress has always been a factor. With volleyball in the picture, I was able to escape from reality for a good three hours every day.
Staff Writer

Jessy Juanda  IMG_1156

1. What sparked your interest with badminton?

During my first year on the team, I was awed after witnessing such excellent reflexes, power and game techniques of the varsity players. I then became inspired to be just as great of a player.

2. What are some of the greatest lessons you have learned?

I learned that self-discipline is the key in improvement […and] success. I have certainly developed the ambition in winning as well as the ability to cope with failures. These skills come in handy since they are practical in real life as we face daily obstacles and need a strong mindset to remain bulletproof.

3. How does it feel knowing you’re going to graduate within the next few months?

It feels more exciting than uncertain to me. High school’s been an eventful ride and I am sure the end is merely a new beginning. I will miss the people I’ve met here; however it shouldn’t be a setback for my eagerness of the future.
Staff Writer

Macy Chung IMG_1250

1. How has swim helped you develop as a student athlete?

It has helped me find a balanced schedule and enjoy all the opportunities. It requires a lot attention and it teaches discipline.

2. What inspired you to be in your current position?

My cousin plays collegiate water polo and watching him when I was younger inspired me to try it out when I entered high school. Swim is sort of a package deal with water polo as well.

3. How has swim prepared you for the real world?

I have learned not to quit and that’s something important to know while growing up. It’s apparent that one cannot win every time, but learning to accept a loss says a lot.

4. What sparked your interest with swim and how is it different from other sports?

Swimming is something I learned to do as a child and when I found out that I could do it regularly as a sport, I was determined. Honestly, I [also] love swim because I love my teammates [who] hold each other up.
Staff Writers

Christian Maciel IMG_1245

1. What life lessons has baseball taught you?

Baseball has taught me how to be a part of a team and work well with others.

2. What was your greatest memory during your baseball career?

My greatest memory would have to be [in] my freshmen year when we got to go play at Dodger Stadium at the CIF championship game.

3. What are your plans in the future after high school?

I plan to attend the University of La Verne and major in computer science to become a computer programmer in the future.

4. When did you start playing baseball and why do you enjoy it?

I started playing baseball when I was six years old and I enjoyed playing it because I had so much fun and I could not wait to go to the baseball field.

Sports Editor