
Incredibly talented in almost every sport, some would call senior Sarah Chavez one of the most athletic girls in the entire school. Involved in sports throughout her four years of high school, it is no surprise Chavez spent most her summer break training and practicing for the fall season’s cross-country.

Training hard two hours a day, five days a week, one could only ask the question: why go through the excruciatingly hot days training for cross-country when you could simply be at home sipping ice- cold lemonade in your air-conditioned living room?

“I like the endurance and the fun of cross-country—how you have the opportunity to stay in shape and especially how you can work as a team. Also, I love doing it because of the competitiveness,” said Chavez.

When she wasn’t breaking a sweat, she was busy at a Leadership camp called National Teen

Leadership Program.  The camp prides itself on teaching students leadership skills and encouraging diversity, as well as providing service to the community. “We learned how to be better leaders and work with others who have different personalities. We were from different areas and we came together and learned to become allies with each other,” said Chavez. Besides the camp, she made sure to put away some time to spend with family and friends.

However, summer has come to an end, like anything else that is good and Chavez’s exciting senior year has arrived. Though many are still unsure of their own  expectations of this school year, Chavez has set clear-cut goals for herself. “I expect to maintain a 4.0 GPA again, do very well in running and apply to many colleges, as well as scholarships. Also, I want to make the best last memories and just have fun.”

By Features Editor Karolina Zydziak