What is It?

People who suffer from OCD don’t necessarily see the world the way everyone else does. They fear touching certain objects, such as a doorknob or desk ,because it might be contaminated with some sort of virus. As a result, people with OCD are caught constantly sanitizing their hands. From their perspective, it’s a precaution against getting sick. They also might feel on guard and skeptical towards household chemicals, radioactivity or sometimes even soap.

Not only do people with this disorder obsess over certain things—they are compulsive when doing simple activities. Counting footsteps and making sure all objects are evenly paired off are just a few examples. However temporary, compulsion is used as a relief from obsessive thoughts. They believe that acting compulsively will push away those thoughts  perhaps what they are dreading won’t happen.

As mentioned earlier, those who feel wary towards electrical items are said to have Electrosenstitivity. People who suffer from this complain of having skin problems, headaches, fatigue, fainting and heart problems, among other things. Although this is not considered a real disease, there are many websites that have been created for it and doctors who claim to be able to treat it. People argue that when abstaining from mobile phones, computers, televisions and other electrical appliances, their symptoms disappear.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder shouldn’t be taken lightly, the more society learns about it, the more OCD patients are accepted. “ I feel OCD is a normal fact of life and some people just think that certain way,” said Junior Daniel Ruiz.

By Co-Features Editor Karolina Zydziak