Winter Season Spotlights: MACY CHUNG Junior

Staff Writer

1. How has water polo impacted your life?

A: Water polo was a means of emotional release for me. Coming from a broken household, water polo was really the only tangible thing I could grasp and hold close to my heart other than Jesus. Over the years, I have built bonds with my teammates and was able to call them sisters by the end of season. This helped teach me a lot of patience and love the ones that were difficult to love, including myself.

2. As the captain, have you learned any leadership skills that you can apply in real life?

A: My definition of leadership is not tyrannical. It’s harvesting my team’s full potential while I harvest my own. It’s being vulnerable with my sisters and offering advice and an ear when things get tough. It’s funny because we spent more time bonding than actually competing. They taught me to accept critical commentary humbly and that’s especially helpful when you’ve got a temper like mine.