AHS Girls’ Golf Team Continues with High Hopes for Seasons to Come

Staff Writer

In hopes of bringing back golf, the girls’ team was reestablished last year. This season has been a testing year with the Lady Moors only competing in tournaments; they will compete in a league like other sports next year. However, only four girls had joined the team.

“One of the big problems is that golf is not a spectator sport,” Head Coach Luis Brambila said. “However, I think that [more] girls should consider golf because it doesn’t require much athletic ability and not as much pressure.”
Of the few players, all of them had good, if not spectacular, seasons. Even though golf is not a popular sport, the girls were interested in trying a new sport.

I wanted to join golf because I have played the sport since I was a kid,” freshman Yaneli Guajardo said. “I wanted to use this experience to support our school.”

During the season, the team practiced every Friday, begininng with warm-ups then stretching. The players would then work on individual skills, depending on their needs. This included putting, chipping and chipping out of sand bunks. At around 5:00 pm, practice would end with approximately 75 shots at the driving range.

“We have done pretty good considering it’s our first year, we hope that more girls come to try out next year. [We] ended the season on a good note,” sophomore Amanda Beeal said.