Sports Spotlight – Introduction

Staff Writer

Sports around the world often revolve around the players and their ability to perform. In fact, this is why sports at Alhambra High School have thrived for many years. It seems that athletes alone are the reason for this success.

However, athletes come and go through their high school careers. The most essential component to the schools’ long-lasting success has been the coaches because they are able to stay and continue to support, year after year. Their dedication and hard work to our school’s sport programs are unimaginable. Each coach has a unique and distinctive style that helps manage each of their sport with great care and motivation. They each have what it takes to create an environment that allows their players to succeed. In addition, these coaches help each player mature not only as athletes, but as people in the community by building up their character as well. Lastly, something these coaches all share is that they have implemented the coaching job into their lives not for themselves, but for the players and the game that they love most.