Eric Bergstrom (Boys’ Football)

Staff Writer

1. What distinguishes you from other/past coaches?
2. How would you describe yourself as a coach?
3. Why do you love the sport that you coach?
4. How has coaching influenced your life?
5. How has coaching helped you build bonds with your team?

1. What distinguishes me the most is that I’m not a yeller, which is something you get a lot in football. I believe in treating my players like men. [I tell them] ‘here’s what the expectation is and go do it’.

2. I think I’m a high- energy guy. I like to coach with energy because it’s infectious. It gets to the rest of the staff and the kids and puts the accountability on them.

3. I love coaching football because it mirrors life most. We could teach life lessons such as how to handle adversity, how to work in a group setting, how to accomplish a goal with a group of people and how to work with people you don’t have anything in common with.

4. [Coaching] has gotten me to where I am. I couldn’t imagine my life in any other way. I don’t know what I would be doing or where I’d be without it. It’s something that I’ve always enjoyed doing.

5. I think that building bonds is what you want to do all the time. [It’s] a never ending process and happens in a lot of different ways through multiple interactions with the players. Whether it’s just a simple instruction to do this or sitting down after practice and asking about school, that’s how you build trust in each other.