Calvin Chow (Girls’ Tennis)

Sports Editor

1. What distinguishes you from other/past coaches?
2. How would you describe yourself as a coach?
3. Why do you love the sport that you coach?
4. How has coaching influenced your life?
5. How has coaching helped you build bonds with your team?

1. [I have] 30 years of coaching [experience], [both] varsity and JV, girls’ and boys’. [I have] 35 years [experience] [from] teaching tennis in the San Gabriel Valley since 1978.

2. [I am] competitive, intense [and] demanding. I’m a competitive coach. I’m not [coaching] to put out a team. My teams have won 14 league championships.

3. I’ve been playing [tennis] since I was eight years old so it’s like second nature.

4. [I’ve learned that you must] coach your athletes to play fairly, be competitive and show good sportsmanship. You’re teaching your players how to handle themselves in the real world. Coaches teach you how to conduct yourself in real life.

5. I think the bond that we have is that we [all are] concentrating on the team. The individual is secondary to the group. It’s not about me or [any] one player, it’s about the success of the group and that allows us to bond.