Luis Brambilla (Girls’ Golf)

Staff Writer

1. What distinguishes you from other/past coaches?
2. How would you describe yourself as a coach?
3. Why do you love the sport that you coach?
4. How has coaching influenced your life?
5. How has coaching helped you build bonds with your team?

1. It is hard to say, because I have been the only girls golf coach. When the team first started, we would go to Almansor to put, chip and play.

2. I would describe myself as competitive, but golf is an individual sport and you need to give the athletes time to learn.

3. I love this sport, because it is a lifelong sport. Once you master it, it is more challenging everyday [as you try to beat your old score]. It is also fun, because everyone is out there to do the same thing, which is trying to beat the course.

4. I do not think I would be doing P.E. […] If I didn’t coach. I love sports and it’s something that came naturally.

5. I think one thing is that whatever team you coach, the team takes the personality of the coach. It is fun to be out with high school kids who give us their time and energy.