TEA TIME WITH TINA: ‘Butter Face’ But-Her-Face

According to my super legitimate source, more specifically urbandictionary.com, the term butter face is “everything about a chick looks good, ‘but-her-face.’ In many cases, conversations between two heterosexual boys usually go something like this:

“Dude, she’s definitely a nine out of ten!” “Are you serious— she is definitely a BUTTER FACE!”

Fast forward a couple of years and the same “bros” are rating girls on a scale of 0 to Kate Upton. The conversation has transformed to this: “What is with all her makeup?!” “Yeah dude, she looks like a clown—she doesn’t look pretty with it!”

See how brilliant young teenage boys with raging hormones are? It is no secret that some girls wear makeup. Heck, guys wear makeup and you don’t see any judgments there. Society’s standards of women have been hyperbolized by airbrushed models and actresses on magazine covers, and apparently, all women are now expected to look ‘dewy’ and perfect 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

But who cares! If anyone ever tells you that you are beautiful, they are not lying. Everyone is uniquely beautiful, but some people choose to wear makeup, because it increases their confidence in this judgmental society.

Too much makeup? What a streetwalker. No makeup? Gosh, cover that “pizza” face up. To all the ladies out there: If makeup makes you feel comfortable, wear it. I understand that the emphasis on beauty perpetuated by a culture that believes skinny is beautiful is hard to deal with, so go ahead, you deserve to look beautifully enhanced. As for the guys: talk to me when you go through childbirth and realize that girls don’t look good just for you, but also for themselves.