Piranhaconda Rages for Baby


Although Piranhaconda does not boast as large of a budget as box office champions, it provided unperfected entertainment that is rarely found in theaters.

With every movie comes its flaws, and this movie’s largest flaw was its attempt to encompass multiple subplots and failing to make sense of any. There were at least 20 characters, but none were developed enough for the audience to care about their deaths; their sole purpose was to trip over nothing and become a literal, dense mist of blood that did not dissipate until a minute later. Furthermore, the awkward love story only seemed to inspire the lead characters to make dumb decisions that left me stupefied for half the movie.

No matter how much logic this movie seemed to lack and how many scientific laws it broke, it was nonetheless an entertaining experience. The overly clichéd plots and stereotypical characters provided audience members a sense of victory when they made the right predictions. Even the impossibly unrealistic CGI effects had a purpose; what would have normally appalled theater audiences expecting quality entertainment instead kept the TV-movie audience laughing and engaged.

This movie is not designed to appeal to everyone, but those who would enjoy a movie that could always serve as the go-to topic during a dying conversation should definitely watch this.