Moor Drill, More Drill

Staff Writer

People may believe that academics and extracurricular activities are like water and fire, significant but difficult to combine. However, there are a few who manage to keep a good balance.

Established by Kay Teer Crawford in 1968, or the Mother of Drill Team in southern California, Drill is a female dance team that represents AHS nationally and internationally. They won first place in the “Kick” category at the national Miss Dance Drill Team USA competition.

“As you see, all of us are super hardworking. This is a part–no, this is my life.” Captain Marilyn Htingbai said. Like the famous saying “no pain, no gain,” this award-winning team practices daily from 3pm to 6 pm in the dance room. Drill members learn turns, leaps and kicks to develop their technique. With seven competitions to attend this year, they also perform at school events and assemblies.

Perseverance, patience and teamwork are their first lessons. Passion, collaboraton and the desire to improve is a must; members point out mistakes so that everyone can improve.

This is a group of girls who express themselves through dance and dedicate themselves to the team. They hope to maintain their glory this year.