Maximum Opinion

MAX TRAN News Editor

The Iowa Caucus happened on Feb. 3, and we still haven’t gotten the results. So far, with 97% reported, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigeig are almost at a tie, with 547 and 550 State Delegate Equivalents (SDE’s) respectively. However, satellite caucuses might push that number in Sanders’ favor. Currently, three of the four satellite counties were won by the Vermont senator by very high margins while Buttigeig barely got any votes. 

It all started when Iowa results were delayed due to the need for “quality  control”.  However, what happened after proved the contrary. 

Buttigeig announced his “victory” without any results coming out. When they did start to come out, it had to be changed and corrected multiple times. Any credibility in the results are gone. 

In fact, there are accusations that the votes were released slowly and dragged out purposefully to show Buttigeig at the lead for as long as possible. Many  felt that it was done by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to slow down Sander’s momentum. The DNC has had a record of shady activities. Leaked emails, including ones between Hillary Clinton’s chair John Podesta and DNC chair Tom Perez, revealed how the Clinton Campaign in 2016 were given advantages and advice from the organization in the past.