

Hey guys. As you all are aware, there was a fire in A building during winter break. With the devastating smoke damage in a couple of classrooms, teachers and staff members who were affected were left with almost little to none of their personal items left from their previous classrooms. 

Students were also affected by this heavily. I find it heartbreaking how both students and teachers have lost their precious classrooms. Years of work and precious memories all vanished because of the smoke damage. I watched one of the strongest teachers I know dissolve into vulnerability while telling us what they have lost. I watched another teacher telling us how everything would be okay but I could tell that they weren’t okay.

 I believe that everything will fall back into place soon but right now, it will be hard for them. So all I’m asking is to be respectful and kind to each other. Value what you have and not what you do not have. To all of the teachers and staff members who have lost their rooms, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for staying strong. 

Also shout out to the Speech and Debate team, Dance team, and others for buying items for all of the teachers who were affected by the fire.