New Program Awards Appropriate Behavior with Tickets

AUSTIN HERNANDEZ , SOPHIA HUA Copy Editor , Editor in Chief

The Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program was enacted at the beginning of this semester. Staff have been working to implement PBIS since last year. 

This district-wide program has been implemented in various school districts across the nation, in elementary, middle and high schools. Members of the AHS PBIS team have been visiting and as studying other schools that have already adopted the program.  

 This system rewards students for good behavior rather than focusing only on punishing bad behavior. Staff members can give students reward tickets when they act respectfully, responsibly or demonstrate leadership. These tickets are small white, square papers which include the student’s name, their teacher’s name and the date. 

The program also intends to improve students’ emotional and academic performance by encouraging positive behavior. According to PBIS Rewards, these tickets intend to promote acknowledgement of good behavior, leading to the development of a positive environment at school. Studies have shown that a positive learning environment could lead to higher levels of academic success. 

Once received, these tickets can be entered into a box in the Counseling office for a school-wide raffle. Prizes range from snacks to AirPods. When students win a prize, their teacher does as well. 

“The idea behind it was it gives all students the opportunity to be recognized,” Athletic Director Eric Bergstrom said. “This is a system that brings everyone together instead of separating students between good and bad.”

According to EdSource, the Antioch School District has successfully implemented PBIS since 2014. The findings showed an decrease in behavioral issues. However, there are mixed opinions about this program. Some argue that the tickets will not encourage students to adopt better behavior. “[PBIS] is not going to change anything,” junior Sebastian Chen said. “People will only change how they act in front of their teachers.” 

Furthermore, clinical psychologist Erica Reisher from the Atlantic warns that giving children material rewards in exchange for good behavior may lead to an unintended change in mindset. Over time, students only help others or behave because they expect a reward, not because they genuinely feel compelled to act this way. 

The new ticket system will continue next year. The PBIS team hopes to open the Student Bank to offer more rewards.