New Law Adds Obstacles for Struggling Immigrants

MOSES LOPEZ Staff Writer

According to the National Immigration Law Center, the Trump administration wants to widen the number of public programs  that makes gaining citizenship difficult. An immigrant, according to the law center, is someone who is considered a public charge. In other words, someone who is dependent on federal benefits. If they utilize these benefits they can then be disqualified from applying to become a permanent resident.

 At the moment, reduced cost school meals and other programs are on that list. Families that are currently using them could be at risk of being prohibited from gaining citizenship.

 “These immigration laws are unfair for families who don’t know what they are signing up for,” sophomore Emily Tran said. 

According to the Alhambra Source, the new  guidelines  could cause an indirect impact on the parents and schools if, out of fear, these guidelines dissuade parents from getting aid from certain programs, affecting their child’s health and education. 

According to AUSD Superintendent Denise Jaramilo, these new guidelines will cause an atmosphere of fear for the students by causing them to be less healthy by not having proper necessities at school such as school lunches.