George H.W. Bush Passes



The 41st president of the United States, George H.W. Bush was pronounced dead on November 30, 2018 at the age of 94. He died at his home in Houston, Texas, seven months after the death of his wife Barbara. A state funeral was held on Nov. 28, while another was held in Bush’s home state of Texas on Nov. 29.

“The loss of [President] Bush impacted a lot of people because he was a shining example of how respectful a president should be to others,” junior Caden Pak said.

During Bush’s presidency from 1989- 1993, a key focus was foreign policy. According to, he entered the White House during the process of German reunification. He is known for helping improve relations with the Soviet Union, as the Cold War was ending and the Soviet Union was collapsing during his time in office. Many mourners mentioned his kind demeanor and level-headedness.

“He is one of the last decent presidents we have had,” senior Jun Wang said. “Each president is different, but he did what he had to do to make our country a great place, and I appreciate what he did for us. I liked how he handled the separation of the Soviet Union and pushed for democracy in European countries.”

To many citizens, the death of former President George H.W. George Bush was the loss of a hero