College Presentations At AHS

High School students are constantly being pushed to go to college, seniors, even some freshman feel obligated to make it their number one priority. Representatives from many colleges and universities come to Alhambra High, and share information on colleges students may be interested in. Presentations about college cover a variety of topics and can benefit many students who are interested.
“The California State University of Los Angeles had a wonderful presenter,” senior Kevin Rivas said, “They gave me insight about how the school works, and how to get accepted, there were lots of information I couldn’t get online.”
These presentations are held in the career center, where you can be informed on the college you plan to attend to in the future. The benefits of these presentations would be insight on the campus, what grades and scores needed to attend and the overall learning experience.
“I went to a presentation for the University of Massachusetts and it made me think more about where I actually end up going, and how important grades are,” junior Michael Aripez said.
To sign up for these college presentations, check in with any staff in the career center to get slips; you will be excused from class if you go to one of these presentations. This can be an opportunity for students who are still deciding on which colleges to attend to.
“It was a good experience and I gained a lot of college information, as well as useful information about EOP,” senior Sarah Astengo said.
Alhambra High School offers insight and opportunities about financial aid, and information on how to transfer to a university from a community college. These opportunities are provided with the college representatives that come to AHS in the career center, along with more brochures about their campuses. Colleges such as the UC Riverside, UC Davis, and other institutions will have their information online if you missed the presentations.