AHS Associated Student Body Holds Elections for Prospective Student Leaders

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Staff Writer

While U.S. presidential candidates are continuing their campaigns, our student government hosted information meetings for those who are interested in becoming student leaders and campaigning begins after spring break.

Alhambra’s Associated Student Body (ASB) is a group of students who cooperate with various clubs and staff to organize school-wide affairs such as Homecoming, pep rallies and spirit weeks, according to ASB sources. They also work to enhance school spirit and leadership skills. Other events organized by ASB members include eighth grade orientation, club fairs and food fairs.

For ASB elected and appointed positions, meetings were held on March 21-24. Informational meetings about appointed positions will be held on April 19-21. It is required for each candidate to attend at least one meeting in order to campaign.

Candidates try to win students’ votes through campaign posters and other advertisements.

“I want to join ASB because I want to step out of my comfort zone and practice my leadership skills. Also, I want to contribute something to [AHS],” sophomore Selena Chen said.

In addition, ASB prospects can participate in speeches and other events that will help them in campaigning. The meet and greet will be held on Monday, April 11 at the Quad for ASB and on Third Street for class councils.

“I will be [making] speeches and fliers so that I can get my name out there,” Director of Campus Environment candidate Jessica Yee said.

In addition, the time and effort put in by current ASB members is needed by future ASB members in order to preserve and enhance AHS’ school spirit and events.

“I am looking forward to the ASB elections since it gives candidates the chance to run for the position that they feel they can contribute the most to [in] ASB,” ASB adviser Tuan Pham said. “I have very high expectations of ASB since they represent the voices of the student body. I expect all members to work together and help each other succeed by taking on roles outside of their positions.”

Voting will take place from April 11 to April 14. The final results list will be available on Monday, April 18.