Trump Supporters Say Bring Back Slavery

Staff Writer

On Jan. 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free all slaves in the Confederacy. The executive order was a monumental step toward equality for blacks in America and had the order not been issued, the degree of racial equality in America today may be much higher.

This ongoing and prominent issue has even affected the course of events in American politics today. For months, the United States has been preparing itself for the next presidential election, bombarding citizens with daily news of the candidates running for office. One candidate that receives much of the spotlight is Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner. According to a January YouGov/Economist poll, about 20 percent of Trump supporters do not approve of the Emancipation Proclamation, revealing just how much Trump’s followers advocate white supremacy. Trump is almost always drowning in controversy due to his racist and insensitive remarks, yet this allows him to garner high levels of support from America’s bigoted population.

It is absolutely ridiculous that a candidate running for presidency in a nation known for placing importance on freedom has supporters who harbor great hatred and prejudice toward others of different races and religions. It’s completely absurd to hear that there are still people in America who wish for slavery to exist and even more disconcerting knowing that they support Trump. If Trump were to become president, there is a high chance that the state of America will deteriorate. With such discriminatory beliefs, American will not reach the “greatness” Trump has promised to his supporters.