Varsity Cross Country Sprints Into CIF Preliminaries


The boys’ varsity cross country team practices in preparation for their league meet vs. Bell Gardens on Oct. 18.


Staff Writers

The varsity cross country team has been working its hardest to improve during the last few months. Their daily warmup routine begins at 3:15 p.m. and they practice either by time intervals or by running time periods, when trying to run for the best times. Varsity’s top athletes are Yareli Guajardo, who is defending her league champ title, and Donovan Zavala whose best run time is 16:59. The current record of the varsity teams have the females being in second place and the males in fourth place having only lost by three points at their last meet.

“I want to be the best that I can be for myself, for my family and for my friends,” freshman varsity runner Serena Dueñas stated.

Coach Rodriguez stated that her plans for the future are to go to CIF preliminaries. The team has been hard at work trying to improve their run times and endurance.

“We plan to keep self esteem and spirits up as well as deal with injuries keep together as a team” Coach Rodriguez said.

Coach Rodriguez has high hopes this year to go to CIF and believes that with the right workout plans, both the male and female cross country teams will be able to make it. Also, the teams are steadily improving their times with each meet. The teams both have high hopes to do well this year.

“To prepare, I talk to my friends a lot and we encourage each other so that I am in the proper mindset for the meet,” freshman varsity runner Joshua Lopez said.

Varsity Cross Country has been working their hardest to improve and some of the players have even been told by Coach Rodriguez that they are the best they have ever been. As long as they continue to improve, varsity Cross Country has very high hopes to continue to CIF Preliminaries.