Hand Sanitizer Causes Alcoholic Poisoning

Staff Writer

In Georgia, there have been reports of hand sanitizer consumption by children under the age of 12. According to CBS News, consuming ethanol-based hand sanitizers can cause alcohol poisoning. Just a taste or lick of hand sanitizer could put a child at risk, depending on how strong the sanitizer is. Children can start getting symptoms of being drunk after consuming or tasting the hand sanitizer. In addition, those who consume hand sanitizer may also experience vomiting and irregular breathing.

“Parents or adults should be more aware of what their children are putting into their mouths. Also, hand sanitizer companies should make hand sanitizer more kid friendly,” senior Dianna Fenderson said.

Similar to consuming hand sanitizer, consuming mouthwash and perfume can result in negative effects. According to CNN, some of reasons kids end up in the emergency room are because they are tempted to get drunk, dared to consume the products, or think it looks tasty.

“People should have the responsibility to simply keep it away from children,” freshman Isabella Holland said.
Scented hand sanitizers are very appealing to children, according to CNN. Children might think because it smells good, it should taste good as well. However, hand sanitizer is not tasty at all; consumption of hand sanitizer can produce significant toxic effects.