New School Year, Moor Changes: Student Services Renamed to Student/Employee Welfare Office

Staff Writer

Upon starting a new school year, passing through the AHS campus may be familiar to various students.

However, a few minor changes have been made to AHS this school year, one of which being the “Student Services” Office rebranding itself as the “Student/Employee Welfare Office”.

“Before, the title mainly focused on students, when really [the purpose of] this office is to support both students and staff,” Office Manager of Student Welfare, Veronica Granados said.

The definition of welfare, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is “ the state of being happy, healthy, or successful.” With this title, the Student/Employee Welfare office asserted itself as a place of support for all students and staff.

“We changed [the name] because part of our job is to [serve both] students and faculty, while always keeping in mind [everyone’s safety and well-being],” Coordinator of Student Welfare Allison Vann said.