ASB 2015: Making AHS ‘Bigger and Better’

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Editor in Chief

As the pace of the school year kicks in, the Associated Student Body’s (ASB) mentality is to make everything this year bigger and better than it has ever been. As Alhambra High School’s student government, ASB hopes to increase student involvement on campus and establish better relationships with AHS clubs, sports and performing arts groups to make events and activities revolve around school spirit.

A great way to promote an event and school spirit is through consistency. Due to its inconsistency last year, one event that ASB will be promoting more this year is Blue and Gold Fridays. ASB will be hosting a spirit game every Friday during lunch which helps students feel more involved with a fun way to end the week. Every week will be full of events and activities for students to take part in as ASB continues to organize more rallies.

Since ASB wants to encourage more student involvement in all school events, they are going to publicize, publicize and publicize. A new addition to getting the word out about events this year will be the use of the bulletin board near the career center. By doing so, ASB has addressed the concern of making sure all students are aware of events happening at the moment.

Hopefully this new method will work because ASB’s decision last year to make the bulletin paperless and to produce biweekly video broadcasts did not go so well. Many teachers neglected to show those video bulletins in class, causing many students to be uninformed on campus.

Student awareness and student voice are two things that are extremely important on any high school campus. One way for both of those things to shine is our student senate. Comprised of class representatives from every fourth period, the Senate serves as a way for students to directly express schoolwide concerns and opinions. The Senate meets up once a month during the last 20 minutes of fourth period and even though it is a program intended to benefit the student body, many students are unaware of this. For a more successful Senate this year, ASB and AHS teachers need to promote why the Senate is an essential aspect in the student voice.

A way ASB could improve student awareness is to update the bulletin on the school website. Due to renovations made to our official school website last year, it has been hard for ASB to receive access and post daily information for students and parents. Hopefully, this problem will be resolved quickly, as the website will be another way for ASB to increase outreach.

Currently, ASB is focusing all their efforts on Homecoming. As one of the biggest projects of the year, ASB hopes to increase student attendance at the Homecoming game, dance, parade, halftime show and carnival. With all these elements a part of Homecoming, ASB never fails to deliver a memorable experience every year. This year should be no exception.

With all of ASB’s hard work and planning, student involvement and school spirit will surely be prominent aspects of this school year. However, student awareness remains one thing ASB will need to address, and only time will tell if this is focued on this year.