Speech and Debate Captains’ Last Speeches


SENIOR CAPTAINS Eddie Chang, Felice Gonzales, Julie Yu and Annie Tran.


Staff Writer

1.What did you enjoy the most about Speech and Debate that made you go back to it every year?

Eddie Chang (EC): I enjoy the competitors and the time spent with all the members at both practice and tournaments.
Julie Yu (JY): I enjoy the Speech and Debate community and the feeling of doing something productive. I’m also very competitive.

2.What have you taken from Speech and Debate that makes you who you are today?

EC: Being a part of Speech and Debate made me more open and comfortable with interacting with others.
Annie Tran (AT): Speech and Debate helped me learn that I am not always going to be the smartest or the best and it has helped me become more humble and deal better with rejection.

3.What was your greatest accomplishment throughout your time in Speech and Debate?

Felice Gonzales (FG): My greatest accomplishment would be learning so much from the people in Speech and Debate in terms of academics and improving myself as a person; because of this I was able to teach others and hopefully the younger students for their years to come.

JY: My greatest accomplishment would be learning how to handle a bunch of responsibilities while also being able to communicate with people better.

4.What is the thing you will miss the most about Speech and Debate?

FG: I’m definitely going to miss the competitors, the long Saturdays of competition, the bonds that were built, representing my team, teaching others, learning from others, getting dressed and seeing the reactions of others after [I performed]. I’ll miss my friends and I’ll miss hearing the phrase “from Alhambra High School” after one of us has won.

AT: I’m going to miss my teammates the most. I’m not going to miss getting up early on Saturday, but I will miss having an excuse to dress up and being with my closest friends.