Teen Girl Vaccinated Without Parental Consent

Staff Writer

On March 9, a 16-year-old girl in Chicago was secretly vaccinated by Wells High School without consent, according
to Education News.

The teen, Noelle Miller, wound up receiving multiple immunization shots including one for Hepatitus A, chicken pox, meningitis and Human Papillomavirus Infection. According to Education Views, only one of these vaccinations was given parental consent.

“When I looked at [my daughter’s immunization records] I flipped out,” parent Michelle Miller said, according to Education Views.

According to CBS Chicago, Noelle Miller’s mother did sign a consent form, but only to allow her daughter to receive a sports physical and immunizations required by the state, of which only chicken pox fell under the category.

“I feel like the school should not have vaccinated her daughter without parental consent. Although the mother did sign a form, it wasn’t for all those immunization shots; it was only for a sports physical,” junior Jenna Pan said.

Miller’s mother has further taken her concerns to the school board.