That Makes Some ‘Cents’

Staff Writer

Teen jobs are not anything out of the ordinary and they range anywhere to tutoring from helping out in local places such as schools, libraries. According to the Boston Globe, about 21 percent of teens with low-income families and 38 percent of teens with household in-
comes between $100,000 and $150,000 have jobs.

However, with jobs come income and with income comes taxes. Whether or not a students has to file for tax reforms depends on whether they are a dependent according to the IRS and the income amount. According to the Huffington Post, dependent children have to file for taxes if they cumulate an income of more than $6,200.

“I work as a tutor for a family and I am not paid enough to have to file for taxes, but if I was, I feel that it would be really difficult to deal with taxes in general as a high school student,” sophomore Eden Gotia said.