Chalk Art Festival 2015 Decorates Open House


Students show off their creativity as they chalk up local heroes.


Staff Writer

Every year, a group of AHS students participates in the Chalk Art Festival to present their art at Open House. This year’s Chalk Art Festival had the theme “Heroes” and was held at the quad by ceramics teacher Jayson Pineda.

“I try to make the themes more open so students get involved. It [was] a showcase, not a competition,” Pineda said.

Groups of two students tried out by submitting a design. Usually ten teams are picked; however, according to Pineda, due to the amount of passion in their art, he accepted more people.

“I’ve done [this] every year. I like to stay outdoors and draw and the theme this year [was] very versatile. We could do superheroes, people in our community or whoever our inspiration is,” senior Karla Solis said.

One of the Chalk Art drawings presented the fictional superhero Wonder Woman which represented women’s strength in society, according to senior Janice Angelica. Another piece of artwork presented a preeminent historical leader of Indian independence, Mahatma Gandhi, who protested nonviolently against British rule in India.

“I thought the chalk art piece of ‘Baymax’ was unique because it was similar to 3D street paintings. It made it look like the character was actually [coming out] from the ground and [onto] campus,” senior Sarah Liu said.

Students worked on their chalk art piece from the beginning of first period until the end of the school day.

“I feel like this year [was] different; those who applied were more detailed. This year’s [Chalk Art Festival] had a lot of passion,” Pineda said.