Freshmen Football Sweeps Preseason with 5-0-1 Streak

Staff Writer

It may be easy to assume that the preseason is less important since Almont League ranking is not affected by those results, but for the freshmen football team, it was not something to disregard. Stopping other schools in their tracks, the Moors took from the experience a winning 5-0-1 preseason record.
What led to this feat was not the culmination of pure talent alone. According to Head Coaches Justin Alegria and Joey de la Torre, the majority of the players started raw and had a low football IQ when they first met.
Despite this setback, the team completely evolved from a rag-tag group of runners, blockers and a thrower into a force of running backs, defensive linemen and a quarterback. Their preseason ended with a great run, but Alegria and de la Torre always emphasize humility to every player on the team, no matter how successful the team becomes.
“Going undefeated would not mean anything if no one respects us,” said de la Torre.
Modesty, though, does not hide the fact that the team’s record is a realized achievement. According to the coaches, this is a sure sign of potential in their athletic careers.
“It was an exciting glimpse into the future of Alhambra football,” said Alegria.