The Perks of Being Single

Staff Writer

S.A.P. stands for, “Single and Proud.” People who call themselves this do not believe that there is anything wrong with not having a significant other, if anything they believe that there are benefits to being single. According to by the Huffington Post, single people are more likely to find work, get more sleep, and even exercise more.

Having a significant other can be time consuming. To make a commitment to another person, one might give up the things that they enjoy to do, such as not watching the new episode of a TV show, or missing out on going to a big game. It can be a big distraction or a person to have someone else that they think of maybe more than they think about yourself. If a person is single, they can have more time for hobbies, their studies and friends and they can remain more focused on school.

There is a saying that goes, “Before you can be with someone else, you have to be able to be alone.”