The World at Their Backs

Staff Writer

On Jan. 7, two members of al-Qaeda assaulted the satirical weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. They killed 12 and injured 11 others. Since then, large rallies have been held in Paris, and France has received support from other parts of the world as well. According to Mashable, the French government is helping by donating roughly $1.2 million to help keep Charlie Hebdo afloat in the crisis.

82 countries have given their condolences to the families of the victims, or condemnation to the actions of the shooters. According to Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster, 18,000 gathered in front of the French embassy in Berlin. 20,000 in Brussels, mourners in Madrid, Montreal and Canada, demonstrations all over the world are being held in solidarity.

The shooters, brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, have since been killed by police and Charlie Hebdo is recovering with some assistance. In addition, Google has come to support them. According to The Guardian, Google earmarks €250,000 to support the company in the aftermath of the shooting, which is worth $290,220. The victims and survivors of the shooting are receiving support from many people around the world.